I had a fantastic St. Patty's weekend. With no real plans, it turned into an unexpected fun couple of days. When unplanned hours turn into unforgettable ones it reminds me how lucky (blessed is the better word, but I am working with the theme) I am to have the people in my life that I am closest to. I sported green nails (British Racing Green by
Butter London) and drank a green beer with my best mate. Then yesterday I found proverbial gold at the end of the rainbow (and boy did it rain Saturday), except this gold was in bottles instead of a pot.
Moreno sparkling wine always catches my eye because the bottles are made with Swarovski crystal (and because I love a sparkly wine). These bottles usually retail for $40 or $50 but they were over half off at the store this weekend! I was able to purchase the rose and brut varieties for an amazing deal. Definitely my lucky day.
Hope this week brings you good luck!
We had no plans and ended up having a party. At 4 pm, one couple was coming over. By 7 pm, I had 8 people join in the fun. Love it when that happens. Happy belated St. Patty's Day!